Postcard World: Social History - Women at Work

20EYA02508Ladies helping at a Barbeque. A RP card, postally used and in poor condition. £ 5display
20EYA02471Washer ladies outside a house. A RP card, postally unused and in average condition.1913£ 15display
20EYA02470Staff and members of the household at a picnic. A RP card, postally unused and in average condition. £ 15display
20EYA02469Ladies at their sewing machines. A RP card, postally unused and in good condition. £ 18display
20EYA02468Ladies at their sewing machines. A RP card, postally unused and in good condition. £ 18display
13CPA00207A uniformed group of ladies outdoors. A black and white card, postally unused and in average condition £ 10display

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