Postcard World: Spain

21APA03339Zaragoza - an embroidered card, postally used and in good condition1951£ 5display
15CPA05682Vigo-Banco - Rio de la Plata. A colour card, postally used and in good condition £ 5display
15CPA01973Montserrat. An early black and white card, postally used (stamp removed) and in average condition1903£ 5display
14CPA02266Madrid - Puerta del Sol. A printed card, postally unused and in good condition £ 6display
14APA09777Barcalona - The Rambias. A RP card. Postally used and in good condition £ 5display
11NNA11271Madrid - Estacion del Norte (North Station). A colour card, postally unused and in good condition £ 8display

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